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Nadege's Media Blog

  M edia R epresentation o f G ender:   In the media, gender is represented differently and one significant than the other. Throughout the years, men were perceived more seriously whereas women were pushed aside and seen as an inferior gender to men. For example, a common stereotype for women is that they shouldn’t be allowed to attain jobs and should just stay at home to be housewives. Nowadays, women are starting to make a stand influencing the media that they shouldn’t be underestimated. Furthermore, in the media, most of the time men have been represented as sexual predators and money-obsessed on the other hand women have represented as sexual objects to be controlled and used by men. An example is hip-hop and rap genre music videos where barely dressed women are seen pining over the man and flaunting their bodies like a sexual object. You hardly see men having to flaunt their bodies in music videos, it’s always women which proves the fact that the media uses the stereotyp...

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